How to Design a Profitable Periodontal Programme Course 

Design your periodontal protocol to create a modern-day high-value care proposition for your patients.
Using the latest evidence, S3 guidelines and some Love Your Dentistry systems, this course will help you to develop a healthy business model so that everyone profits.




 Are you FRUSTRATED with your Hygiene and Periodontal Department?


Principals, are you frustrated with the clinical outputs?


Clinicians, are you frustrated with the systems that you work within?


Are you frustrated with the low value that patients place on their periodontal and preventive care?   


You are most certainly not alone and there are many reasons why...

  • There is a lack of a periodontal protocol that is known by the whole team
  • There is a lack of clinical and business operational systems that support periodontal care
  • The business team don't understand the purpose and priority of care of the periodontal patient
  • Unknowingly practices undervalue this service and by default don't charge appropriately 
  • Practices don't set KPIs to monitor and evaluate the success of the service in terms of care and financial productivity
  • It is common to have a fear that patients may leave if fees are increased
  • Practices are booked 4-6 months in advance and therefore unable to accommodate periodontal treatments
  • Sometimes associates do not always refer to the hygienist which makes dents in the hygienist's schedule 
  • Inconsistencies of care delivered by the clinical team
  • Clinician's salaries aren’t considered with overall profitability
  • Turnover of the clinical team can be challenging
  • Many dental practices employ dental therapists who want to use their full scope, but the practice has a higher need for hygiene and periodontal services 
  • There can be a lack of confidence between clinical team members in diagnosing periodontal disease
  • Hygienist schedules can fall apart at the last minute
  • Practices don't have clear on the objectives of the periodontal programme 


    Delivering periodontal care and prevention is not difficult, there are clear pathways set down to guide us.  The barriers exist in the infrastructure and systems that many dental practices inherit from historic operational models and the fear of potentially negative consequences from change.

Introducing Our Profitable Periodontal Programme Course 

Design a robust periodontal programme that is profitable in its own right and that creates the backbone for many other clinical systems and practice growth. Aside from the business benefits, the gem of this course is that it's your patients that profit the most.

We understand the challenges in delivering excellent and profitable periodontal and hygienist services.  Many principals are faced with a real dilemma of how to charge adequately for this service and paired with what is clinically necessary the models often don't work.  

The How to Design a Profitable Periodontal Programme helps:

Your Patient  

Structuring your periodontal services in alignment with the S3 guidelines enables you to leverage a new value from that and one that takes your patient on a journey towards optimum health, stabilisation and function.

Your Clinical Team

Having a robust protocol in place will support all clinicians to be able to carry out their clinical care within their remit of dentistry.  Periodontal and prevention services are a connection to dentistry and they provide the strongest foundation to build upon.

Your Business

The periodontal programme and prevention services are profitable in their own entity.  Other departments within the dental practice DO NOT fund hygienist and periodontal care, in fact, the services open up many doors to comprehensive high-value dentistry!

What will I gain from the course?

  • A clear business model and framework from which to build your periodontal programme 
  • Be able to set clear objectives for the hygiene department and periodontal programme within that
  • Setting up and differentiating between appointments that have different values
  • Designing your periodontal protocol using the S3 guidelines
  • Create an appointment synopsis so that you can onboard any new clinician into your protocol and how it works at your practice
  • Set adequate fees and learn how to build value into these
  • A communication model that will help the patient take control of the determinants of their periodontal health
  • A communication model for the whole team to be comfortable handling objections
  • Development of a periodontal protocol that is connected to your new patient experience 
  • Development of a periodontal protocol for your existing patients and help you develop a strategy of how you move and support those patients through change
  • Setting up the schedule to accommodate the clinical needs of the patient, reach clinical efficiency and increase profitability
  • Setting up KPIs, and monitoring and evaluating
  • A business model that will support your hygiene department and potentially grow and develop the whole practice 
  • A workbook that will become your documented system
  • Document templates

The Online Course Modules 


Module 1: The Course Foundations 

In this first module, we take you through an exploratory process to delve into common challenges and also have some insights for you to get the most out of the course.  This module has 3 simple lessons and shapes how you will likely learn and implement our teachings from the course

Module 2: The Design Module 

This module contains 7 lessons and explores the facets and people within a dental practice that connect with a periodontal programme and allows you to see some blind spots so that you are on your way to designing a programme that is going to work for you, for your practice and your patients!

Module 3: Communication 

The success of any patient-facing relationship and service hinges on effective communication and in this module, we explore communication principles, some ideas relating to presenting periodontal disease and how to build your education portfolio.

Module 4: Implementation Module 

This module helps you to put all your decisions and learning from the previous modules and guides you on how to implement your new periodontal programme into the practice both for the new patient and the existing patient.

Module 5: The Business Module 

This module has 4 lessons and is dedicated to teaching you some business insights essential for running and monitoring the success of your periodontal programme.

Bonus Lessons 

There are many bonus lessons relating to the different types of practice settings and to the different clinicians taking the course. We have everything covered! These are available to you after you have completed the course. 

The information contained within the How to Design a Profitable Periodontal Programme course is so powerful, that it would cost more than £7,000 to work with Mel and Flo in person to implement these teachings into your practice.


However, you can gain instant access to this transformational online training today, from the comfort of your practice, your home, or on the go.

Special Bonuses Included

  • 5 action-oriented course workbooks to support you in the design of your programme, keep you and your team accountable and develop your comprehensive periodontal programme in your practice.
  • Business team guide to managing your periodontal patients
  • Business Team Guide to support a periodontal programme
  • Guide to actively retaining your periodontal and hygiene patients
  • Guide to Running Periodontal Department Meetings 
  • Communication Style E-Book
  • Templates to enable you to create documents in your practice
  • Goal Setting Template that you can use time and time again as you grow your dental practice.



Meet Mel and Flo,

Mel and Flo's journey in helping practices develop profitable hygiene departments started in 2002.

We have delivered training to many practices over the years as well as delivering care to our patients and this online course is an amalgamation of our learning and experience as clinicians and business coaches. 

We have immersed ourselves in non-dental professional development such as NLP, facial aesthetics, service design and marketing. These are all facets that are woven into our coaching programmes today. 

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